To develop novel fortified organic processed products and functional ingredients, aiming to boosting organic processors and the whole organic market by offering to consumers a wider range of novel solutions, the study and optimization of specific gentle processing technologies is still strongly needed and has to be extended to different organic fruits.
Project Purpose
MILDSUSFRUIT will address the increased quality and sustainability of organic fruit processing, through the optimization of specific mild technologies that will allow to reduce the environmental impact and to preserve quality and nutritional characteristics of the final products. This activity is aimed to meet consumers expectations and favour a healthy life-style, but also to valorise by-products stimulating the development of a circular processing system.
Organic fruits are characterized by high quality and nutritional properties, that are widely appreciated by consumers, but they can present also a high perishability. Processing could contribute to increase their shelf-life reducing waste formation; however traditional technologies can have a negative effect on quality and environmental impact. Therefore, innovative mild technologies need to be developed and carefully tailored for this kind of commodities, to increase the shelf-life and functionality of organic products, with minimal affecting their quality.
Main regions involved
The project involves research groups from Italy, Romania, Poland, Finland, United Kingdom and Turkey.